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October 14, 2007



Awesome Report. That was such a great accomplishment. I am sure your family are very proud of you. I was thinking all day about you running and hoping you shins were holding up. You deserve a week off from running. But maybe I will see ya at the pool.


Yay! Awesome race report and even awesomer race :-) I can't wait for a triathlon report! We can print it out and compare it to my Hiawassee race report! LOL. You rocked, chica! I wish I had felt that strong after my first half. I think I pushed myself a little bit too hard *sheepish grin* I know what it is like to race and not have the family there. As a personal victory, it is exciting, but we still wish we had someone there to share it with... Thanks for sharing your race experience! dAwesome, awesome, awesome... Get after them 5K PRs, and if you really want to shake off some of that lactic acid and soreness from the race, go for a swim :-) half marathoner!!


WOW!!! What a fantastic report!!!!!! Congratulations, you ran an awesome race!! You scared me with your shin! I am so glad it is ok today!!! Great job!!!!!!

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