The contractions I was having all day yesterday just eventually petered out and stopped altogether sometime during the night.
To say I was a little discouraged this morning is an understatement.
This is really the first time I've felt genuinely frustrated and upset about being overdue, and I think it was just all the buildup yesterday, of thinking that we were really headed into going into actual labor and having this baby, only to have it all fizzle out.
So it was a bit of a rough morning, not helped by the fact that I was woken up by Dante - who had a super runny nose and was coughing a lot - at 4am, and couldn't get back to sleep. He went back to sleep, but then Gabe was up for the day at 5:30, so I stayed up with him until 6:30, when I went and asked Scott to take over so I could get a little more rest.
Even with some extra sleep, though, I was still pretty crabby. Luckily Scott stepped in and took the boys out for a good portion of the day, and I was able to get some more rest and get out for a long walk. And since it was much milder today than it's been lately, it was nice to be out in the fresh air.
As I was walking, I listened to some of the music that I have loaded on my iPod that I plan to listen to while I'm in labor, and I'm happy to say that it did exactly what I've been hoping it will do - it relaxed me and calmed me down, and got my head in a much better place.
It certainly came in handy today, but hopefully I'll be able to use it for its intended purpose soon.