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January 10, 2010


Jennifer P

I hear your on the late pregnancy feeling unfit feeling. I was nearly in tears this afternoon while hauling laundry up the stairs and then having to sit down for a minute to catch my breath. There is definately an advantage to having been through this before -- you KNOW it doesn't last forever and yes, before long, we'll be back out with our race mates.


With all those lovely plans this week.....tonight might be the night. :) Enjoy it all....it all just goes by so fast. My "baby" is 6 now and just lost one of his front teeth. My oldest "baby" is 15 and taller than me....all muscled...and grown up. Before you know it your kiddos will be running WITH you and keeping pace...then going faster.

My first two boys were 2 years and 2 days apart. Then we waited 4.5 years..and son #3 and #4 are 2.5 years apart. Worked well...they all have a buddy. And, well...chaos always reigns in this house. :) Hang in there. I do NOT recommend castor oil (in case anyone has suggested that). Not pretty, that. Sending good thoughts your way.

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