Just biding our time over here. Ran some errands yesterday, spent some quality time with the boys, and went for a long (very chilly) walk in the morning. I saw a lot of runners while I was walking, and I have to admit, I'm really starting to miss it now, which isn't surprising, since it's been 10 weeks since I last ran.
Late pregnancy is definitely uncomfortable in many, many ways, but I can deal with all those aches and pains just fine - what's hardest for me is feeling so unfit - I literally get winded just from walking up the stairs. And I know I'm still healthier than lots of pregnant women, since I have done a pretty decent job of keeping up with working out, even in these final weeks, but it's hard to feel that way when the simplest activities can prove so challenging.
I just keep trying to remember that I'll be back at it as soon as I get the all-clear from my midwives, and despite how crazy our lives are bound to be with THREE kids to take care of, getting back to running and racing and all the other stuff I love to do will be a priority. My sanity is going to depend on it!
I managed to haul my oversized self to prenatal yoga this morning, and it was a challenging workout, being as big as I am, but it felt great. And it was so peaceful and relaxing - I'm glad I had time to get in one last class. I suppose there's a chance I could go again next Sunday, if I make it to 41 weeks, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen.
We'll just have to see what the week brings. As of right now, I'm planning a trip to the nail salon Wednesday for a mani/pedi, and a foot massage, which would involve massage of some pressure points around the ankle that are reported to be helpful in inducing labor. And Thursday I have an appointment for acupuncture. And I'll get out and do lots of walking, too - it's supposed to be a slightly warmer week, which will be nice - it was only in the 20s yesterday morning, so temperatures in the 30s will feel downright balmy.
I have varying degrees of belief in all of these supposed labor inducing methods, but I feel that it definitely can't hurt to try, and if nothing else, it's certainly a great excuse to get a manicure and pedicure! And going out for the walks is a nice little escape for me, so I'm happy to keep up with that.
Friday I have my 41-week appointment, which includes an ultrasound and non-stress test. And if I do make it to that appointment, the topic of induction will at least be discussed. If baby is still healthy and doing well, nothing would be scheduled right away - I think they'd let me go right to 42 weeks, if all is well - but it will at least be brought up as a possibility.
But with any luck, we won't even get that far!
On another note - the boys played SO nicely together all weekend. It was almost a little eery. But the more I think about it, I think that it isn't so surprising. All the insanity leading up to the holidays is incredibly fun, and they love it, but I think it's stressful for them, too, the same way it becomes stressful for us. And with all that stress and craziness, it's no wonder they did a lot of bickering in the weeks leading up to the holiday - and in the vacation week afterward.
But now that things are back to normal, they're both so much calmer and, like I said, playing so nicely together. It's a very nice change of pace, and reminds me that although there are times I wonder what on EARTH we were thinking having two kids less than 2 years apart, there are some really wonderful benefits to it.
But I am glad we waited a little longer before the third!!!
I hear your on the late pregnancy feeling unfit feeling. I was nearly in tears this afternoon while hauling laundry up the stairs and then having to sit down for a minute to catch my breath. There is definately an advantage to having been through this before -- you KNOW it doesn't last forever and yes, before long, we'll be back out with our race mates.
Posted by: Jennifer P | January 10, 2010 at 09:22 PM
With all those lovely plans this week.....tonight might be the night. :) Enjoy it all....it all just goes by so fast. My "baby" is 6 now and just lost one of his front teeth. My oldest "baby" is 15 and taller than me....all muscled...and grown up. Before you know it your kiddos will be running WITH you and keeping pace...then going faster.
My first two boys were 2 years and 2 days apart. Then we waited 4.5 years..and son #3 and #4 are 2.5 years apart. Worked well...they all have a buddy. And, well...chaos always reigns in this house. :) Hang in there. I do NOT recommend castor oil (in case anyone has suggested that). Not pretty, that. Sending good thoughts your way.
Posted by: Greta | January 10, 2010 at 11:18 PM