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April 16, 2012



EPIC. Congratulations. Not sure when I will run another marathon, but you are truly inspirational. Enjoy your recovery

Anna Sawin

Amazing. Loved the recap. Congrats!


Yay- congrats, Michelle! I've been stalking your blog, wondering how it went. That is an amazing time... congrats on your pr! Running 26 miles is a huge feat- reading your recap reminded me of the pain of my final 6 miles... why do we keep wanting to put ourselves through it?! :) But you hung in there and still finished so strong. I'm so thrilled for you- it must feel amazing to have it behind you, too! Time to recover!
Btw, what is your twitter handle?


Thanks, Anna and Wes!

Laura - it's amazing how quickly we forget the pain of those final miles. And yes, it feels SO good to have it done!!!! Sent you a message with my twitter handle : )

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