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April 26, 2014



I have am just smiling reading this. You had a great race and yes, it was healing and a day to celebrate. I love following you and this year was amazing. So happy for you Michelle!

Mary Beth Flynn

I am in awe and bawling right now. I love reading your posts. Thank you so much or sharing with all of us. Love, MB

Mom and Dad

Goose bumps, tears, smiles and oh, so many emotions as I read this Michelle ! It was as if I was running that race with you ..... I am so proud to be your Mom ! Love you lots !

Laura @ Mommy Run Fast

I am so glad that Boston was the therapeutic, healing experience it needed to be! Tears would have been rolling for me, too. What a fantastic way to bring closure to the emotional year. Great job too- I heard the heat got really tough!

Sara @ lifebetweenthemiles

Tears are running down my face, what a great recap and I'm so glad you were able to replace last year's events with a much better memory. Great job, especially given the less than ideal training and the weather!!

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