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May 07, 2014



Great read! I love the way you described you feelings through each mile that passed. I'm so happy you are running strong and feeling confident after the long winter of uncertainty. Excited to hear all the plans leading up to Philly!


Fantastic Michelle!


So happy I was able to share this race with you, Michelle!

Laura @ Mommy Run Fast

That doesn't sound dramatic to me at all- I've had those experiences with running. What a fantastic race just two weeks off Boston. Congrats!!


Love this post!! Your smile and thrill comes through in your words!!! PR or no PR Michelle you had running demons to conquer and you did, BIG TIME!

Yes that 7/8 mile hill is a killer, that is when Nicole wanted to trip me. I thought that was the last one... but you get that nice down hill and flat along the water (till that ugh, one more hill Nicole did try tripping me, ha).

Great race for you and write up. You are on a roll WOMAN (Ok I initially typed: kiddo)!!! Keep on keeping on!!!

I didn't want to wait so long to read this; I did want to have the time to really read it!!

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